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Plat Map of City of Grand Haven, Ferrysburg and Mill Point, circa 1856

This project is funded through our Collections Fund.

This map suffers from numerous creases caused by folding, the addition of tape, Mylar along with the adhesives to both sides of map. There are acid stains across the front and back that formed as circles due to the sun exposure coupled with the particle board the map had been placed on. A first step will be to carefully remove all tape, Mylar and adhesives from both sides. Then both sides will be dipped for stain removal, with a screen positioned underneath for support. The dip process will need to be repeated multiple times, and both sides of the map will need to be treated chemically.  The map will be placed between blotters to absorb the contaminates and return the map to a flat plane. Due to the size of the map, these blotters will need to quite large and thick. Select chemistry baths will then treat the acid stains. Areas of loss will be repaired by incorporating pulped paper, which will make these areas indistinguishable from the rest. A support for the map will be added by using fine linen, Pe-Cap, or a Japanese rice paper.

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